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Arts For Earth Foundation is a non-profit group operated in Ventura, Ca. Since opening in 2007, we’ve treated every artist as part of our family. Other groups may offer similar activities, but our activities come with a personal touch. Please join our team/family and volunteer to help us produce our exhibits and concerts. Simply call:805-861-6504
       Our events benefit many local Ventura County Green Groups and reach a much larger audience than most ECO groups who have such an important heartfelt message.  We feel they MUST be heard and WE CAN DO IT with so much more fun!  Our online presence brings a message to the national level... and to some in the international family!

CAN YOU HELP US? Donate or volunteer today:
This is a juried benefit art exhibit in the same booth with Green environmental and gardening groups displaying their missions in Ventura’s 4th of July Street Fair. PLEASE help fund our  "Whole Earth Working with Nature" art exhibit, interactive events and displays designed to put the appeal into our educational mission. 
 Together we'll show Ventura County how to "be the change we want to see in the world". 
Special events include  Meet the Artist events, Eco-Films and more with participation by Ventura Co-op, Ventura Food Co-op, CA Native Plant Society, , Sierra Club,,and more through partnership of Arts For Earth Foundation with Rincon Vitoba and the Climate Hub.
click here to offer your support!
4th of July Street Fair: 30,000 visitors 

Call to Artists: display your fun, focused or zaney artwork in Ventura's Green Street booth to bring your artistic flair to the serious subject of sustainability.
        We are offering 1 panel of space to each juried artist in the Arts for Earth Foundation "Green Street" booth.  You may exhibit and sell work that fits within the provided live space:  30" x 5'tall  within a total panel of 36"wide by 7'tall.  
This is a juried AFEF benefit art exhibit with educational entertaining exhibits by Green groups including the Climate Hub, Growing Circles, The Ventura Food Co-op, CAUSE, Rincon Vitoba, Sierra Club, Food & Water Watch, iMatterNow Youth, CFROG,   

An estimated 30,000 visitors come to the Fair!!    Together let's show Ventura County how to "be the change we want to see in the world". 
Special events include :  Solartube polarizer kaleidoscope, iMatterNow interactive kids mural, Eco-Films and more with participation by artists and Green Street groups throughout Ventura County.

Volunteer with us:
 it's super easy to enter:

1. upload jpgs. of your photos to: 

2. Include 
average price $              of the artwork representing work you will bring to hang on your panel if selected.

 Show us 3 representative pieces of the type of art you will bring to fill your 30"x 5' panel. Also include a brief bio and tell us how your artwork "Works with nature".

download this form and include with entry

3. send your check for $35 entry fee to: Arts For Earth Foundation 175 S.Ventura Ave.#215 Ventura, CA 93001
OR pay with a credit card on our paypal acct.
Artwork will not be considered for Show until payment is received.  All artists must be onsite to hang, sell and strike their artwork at the show (or a representative)


Entry Deadline: 5-31-16
Event Dates: July 4th, 2016


Artwork to fit within 30"x5'.  Application signifies a commitment to attend and work the event on their own behalf.  AFEF will handle all sales.

Entry Fee (Arts for Earth: WORKING WITH NATURE): $35.00  (MEMBERS $30)

1st Annual Open Call benefit:
Working With Natiure: art exhibit (everything 2d)
July 4th Ventura Street Fair
Arts for Earth “passion becomes compassion”

 Please join with Arts For Earth Foundation AND LOCAL GREEN GROUPS in this benefit art exhibit during Ventura's 4th of July Street Fair. 
Special events include :  Eco-Films and more with participation by Ventura Co-op, Ventura Food Co-op,  CA Native Plant Society, Sierra Club, Climate Hub and more. See schedule for details.

Eligibility: This exhibition is open to professional and amateur artists. Artist must be 18 years or older. All entries must belong to artist and may include reproduictions.  Must be able to be displayed on verticle panels, may include dimensional work.No instructor supervised work accepted. All work MUST be for sale. All works must be presened usung professional standards. The exception would be gallery wrapped canvas and acrylic canvas No saw-toothed hangers. Diptychs, Triptychs count as 2 or 3 pieces separately. All work will be screened for compliance. The compliance committee’s decision is final.

  All works chosen will be subject to a 30% commission if sold during the course of the exhibition. Work .that is sold may be replaced with other work by same artist Payment for works sold will be made at the beginning of the month following the sale, . All decisions of the jury committee are final. The Arts For Earth Foundation will not be responsible for loss or damage of artwork. Insurance for artwork is the sole responsibility of the artist. By entering this competition the artist agrees to abide by the exhibition rules and waives all claims against the AFEF or the WAV/JSCo. By entering this competition, artist agrees to allow Arts For Earth Foundation to use images of artwork in promotional materials free of charge. display and removal of artwork is the sole responsibilty of the artist.

Bring-in of artworkt: You must HAND DELIVER, work the booth and remove your accepted piece(s) to the booth location on Main Street Ventura tba, in Ventura, CA, .

FEES: The fee for submission  for a 30"x5'tall panel  is $35, non-refundable.($30 for members)

Event Schedule

After Show: All non-sold artwork must be picked up at end of show on July 4th or by previous arrangement. Works not picked up are subject to a $10.oo per day storage charge. 

Artwork is juried in by AFEF booth design committee.
Highlight and COPY Form below, then send to:  
CLICK the button below and
PASTE into email

Green Groups
YES WE CAN! Arts For Earth
& Rincon-Vitoba    10'x20'booth:      in Ventura's 
4th of JULY Street Fair

art by Kimo, photo by Judd
​design: Chela
Ventura's 4th of July Street Fair continues its proud 41-year-old tradition on Monday, July 4, 2016 from 10 am to 5 pm in Ventura’s Downtown Cultural District. "Celebrating Ventura's 150 Years" is this year's theme.  Arts For Earth Foundation's booth is #314-316 on Main St. near Palm and the food court.