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We are trying something new. Recently we started hosting events called "Think Tanks" to see if we, as artists, could begin thinking outside the box to help bring awareness and support to the Green solutions offered by our finest local non-profits.  We feel that if we can touch hearts with artistic passion then people will begin to act with compassion.  

At one point. while brainstorming, it was asked "How can we reach more than 20 or 200 people. How do we speak to 10,000 people?
In a quantum leap we decided to take to the street: Ventura's 4th of July Street. where 30,000 visitors will come to town to celebrate the birth of our country. It's a perfect time to show our patriotism by doing something for our country to make lives better and to help prepare for the future of our children.

Our 501c.3 non-profit group, Arts For Earth,Foundation, is organizing a collective of people conscious people to represent their part in bringing sustainable living to the Ventura. This month we are preparing to host a group of artists and non-profit groups in a booth at Ventura's 4th of July Street Fair. It will be a wild time as we pack into the booth and greet visitors from all over the world who come to celebrate our country's birth.  
This is an important time in history and we are feeling an urgent desire to pull together and keep kindness and brotherly love in the conversation.

  The arts will attempt, in a simple way, to present social justice, humanitarian, climate, wildlife and environmental issues and solutions. This year our goal is to make the heart of the matter available and palatable to the 4th of July Street Fair goers. This year we have a 10'x20' booth... Next year we will continue to build the group and present landmark, loving and lifesaving issues through performance art on our "Earth Stage". This is the ground floor.

  Each participating group will offer ways for visitors to better their lives and to get involved directly. Our booth is a hub, teaching greater awareness in living and planning a better future through the non-profits we promote.

News and Reviews with Arts For Earth Foundation
  From organic food delivered bi-weekly from Abundant Table to a place where we can grow our own at the local Community Roots Garden with excess donated,to Food Share, from plans in progress for a member owned Ventura Food Co-op with specialties in organic, non-GMO and fermented foods to plans in progress by Surfrider to remove the Matilija Dam to restore the Ventura River and its soil, watersheds and beaches.

  And more, Climate Hub/ partners (including Citizens Climate Lobby, SURJ:Stand Up for Racial Justice, CFROG, Arts For Earth Foundation, Stop Fracking Ventura, Move to Amend) will present their programs to restore our ecosphere for the good of humanity and our mates in the ecosystem with mindful energy programs and less waste, pollution, greed and injustice by the current systems in place.

  The Sierra Club, California Native Plant Society, Audubon Society, Rincon-Vitova Insectary and Be the Bee will also present their programs and offer volunteer activities through displays on panels flanked by environmentally conscious graphic artists, painters, photographers and sculptors of repurposed art. 

  I want you to get a feel for where we are going with this Ventura Street Fair booth and its development in the future with performance art and film. Perhaps you can help us shape it.

  How will this all be presented in a simple, easily grasped way? We've painted a wild, artsy tourist map of the Ventura. Area. It's a 20' wide canvas banner and will hang along the inside back of the booth. Participants will have their names flagged around the map to show that there is a lot of volunteerism, aka activism, in and around Ventura. This will immediately give a sense of simplicity and continuity to our multifaceted Hub.  
thanks for visiting, see you at the Street Fair!

best wishes,

Michelle Nosco, founder
 exec director AFEF

It's all about Connecting